Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend Gleanings

AFSCME and UAW are pooling their efforts at U New Hampshire in this story from Saturday, posted to adj-l by the tireless Keith Hoeller.

He also posted this this deliberately short-lived link to a piece in the Chronicle. I won't be mentioning a whole lot more of this kind; putting an expiration date on a webpage defeats my purpose here. But this one's actually about Keith Hoeller, so get it while you can.

A discussion of tenure on PBS (TV) was announced by Craig P. Smith of FACE.

"National unions to help UNH workers organize"; ADAM D. KRAUSS; Saturday, May 17, 2008; Foster's Daily Democrat.
"A Philosopher Stirs Up the World of Adjuncts"; AUDREY WILLIAMS JUNE; May 23; CoE.

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